Monday 28 June 2010

Oh crap!

Yes. Now is the time to panic.. I've only just realised the car show I'm meant to have a stall at is this weekend! And to add to that, i haven't actually booked a stall! Duh! Have emailed both the lady I'm meant to be going with and the lady who is running it to see if sh can fit me in, if there's time to send my payment, or if i can pay it when i get there. Hopefully they'll get back to me soon, I'll need to get my ass in gear and get more bags made! I thought i had ages yet!
The kids last day at school before the summer holidays is Friday. Hadn't realised that was so close either.

My memory and organisational skills really leave a lot to be desired! On top of that I'm meant to be organising a family reunion type thing, and possibly a joint birthday party for me and my baby sister. Dunno how I'm going to get it all done! I'll start as always, with trying to get this house tidied up, at last if that's done I'll have time and space for sewing later. In theory anyway. lol. And I'll have to get Little D out to play while the sun is shining. He may be really nice to me and have a nap if i can tire him out enough! Fingers crossed.

Sal. X


  1. Buy a filofax! I heart mine! Keeps me up to date!

  2. Hmm, thanks Livi, It's something i've considered. Just think there's a very real risk of me losing it! lol.
    Sal. X
